Speccy windows 10 review
Speccy windows 10 review

I will be interested to see what happens. My desktop having been rock solid since my last message, has now just been re-introduced to CCLeaner. I am supposed to be a 'geek' but failing! I have yet to discover how to print out a report from the dump file. I cannot access my second laptop at the moment, but my main desktop and primary laptop both report version 1 - The desktop is Win 10 Pro and the primary laptop is Win10 Home. My setups on each machine are pretty identical. These have stood me in good stead for many years, and I am very particular about personal security overall. On all my machines I just use the default MS security protections. Which Windows 10 build were you using on the affected machine? And which which build version on the two that are still ticking along fine?Īre there any other notable differences between your different computers in terms of the other software installed - particularly AV, firewall or any other "always on" system utilities? And are you able to provide an extract of the relevant section of the dump file for us to review please? I will be trying to re-install in coming days, and will let you This looks like an odd one. This is just for your information, in case of other reports. I uninstalled CCLeaner on that machine only, and it has returned to being rock solid. The crashes came back, and I was even more startled to find that the MiniDump reported the culprit as CCLeaner64.exe. I also uninstalled every app that I do not typically use very often. I was startled to find that the cause of my issue was reported in the MiniDump as CCLeaner (no other reference), so I uninstalled the recent CCLeaner browser. I (eventually) reinstalled Win 10 through MS reinstallation media, and as a bonus discovered how to read a Windows MiniDump file. I subscribe to Pro version for my 3 Win 10 machines.Ī couple of weeks ago I was entertained to a frequent (several times a day, and on reboots) series of random Win 10 crashes, on one PC only.

speccy windows 10 review

I have been using this terrific software since before it was re-named way back when, and love it.

Speccy windows 10 review